District Board of Health Meeting Minutes


Thursday, November 21, 2024

Devon Reese, Vice Chair

1:00 p.m.

Mariluz Garcia

Dr. Reka Danko

Michael D. Brown

Washoe County Administration Complex

John Klacking, PhD

Commission Chambers, Building A

Steve Driscoll

1001 East Ninth Street

Paul Anderson

Reno, NV

  1. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum.

    Vice Chair Devon Reese called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m.

    Vice Chair Reese welcomed Councilmember Paul Anderson as the new appointment for the City of Sparks. He brings a wealth of knowledge in local and regional government.

    Mr. Reese noted that Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve was present at the meeting. The following members and staff were present:

    Members present: Devon Reese

    Mariluz Garcia

    Dr. Reka Danko (via Zoom) Steve Driscoll

    Paul Anderson

    Members Absent: Michael Brown

    John Klacking

    Ms. Lawson confirmed a quorum was present.

    Staff present: Dr. Chad Kingsley, District Health Officer

    Francisco Vega Erin Dixon Lisa Lottritz Dr. Nancy Diao Robert Fyda

  2. Pledge of Allegiance.

    Mr. Paul Anderson led the pledge to the flag.

    1001 E. Ninth Street, Building B, Reno, NV 89512

    Telephone: 775.328.2415 – Fax: 775.328.3752


  3. Approval of Agenda.

    November 21, 2024

    Board Member Garcia moved to approve the agenda for November 21, 2024, with Item 10 pulled, for the District Board of Health regular meeting. Steve Driscoll seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously by the members present.

  4. Recognitions.

    New Hires

    1. Dr. Kellie Watkins, Epidemiology Program Manager, hired 11/18/24 - EPHP

      Dr. Nancy Diao introduced Dr. Kellie Watkins as the new Epidemiology Program Manager and provided background information on Dr. Watkins, welcoming her to the Program.

      Years of Service

      1. Ana Gonzalez, Office Specialist, 25 years, hired 11/12/99 – CCHS Dr. Kingsley recognized the years of service for Ana Gonzalez.


        1. Chloe Dodge – From EHS Trainee to AQM Specialist – effective 11/18/24

        2. Candace Brown – From AQM Trainee to Environmental Engineer I – effective 10/21/24

      Dr. Kingsley shared the promotions with the Board.


      ii. Adam Vasquez, Epidemiologist – effective 11/15/24 - EPHP Dr. Kingsley announced the resignation of Adam Vasquez.

      Health Heroes

      i. Tasha Pascal – CCHS ii. Victoria LeGarde – EPHP

      iii. Sunita (Soni) Monga - CCHS iv. Chad Kingsley - ODHO

      v. Jordyn Marchi & Stephen Shipman – EPHP

      Dr. Kingsley thanked the Health Heroes being honored this month for their work.

      Washoe Star Award

      Gloriana Alvarez

  5. Proclamations.

    A. Proclaim the month of November Lung Cancer Awareness Month.

    Presented to: Amy Thompson

    Staff Representative: Nicole Alberti

    Ms. Alberti read the proclamation and presented it to the Nevada Cancer Coalition.

    Amy Thompson accepted the proclamation and thanked everyone for acknowledging November as Lung Cancer Awareness Month, which helps raise awareness for early detection for every Nevadan.

  6. Public Comment.

    Vice Chair Reese opened the public comment period.

    Shirley Folkins-Roberts, Chair for REMSA Health Board of Directors, was called to speak. She started by congratulating Councilman Anderson and Councilman Reese on their re-election. On behalf of REMSA Health Board of Directors, they look forward to working with the District Board of Health this year. As a follow-up to the proclamation and as a co-founder of Northern Nevada Children’s Cancer Foundation, she gave thanks for declaring this as Lung Cancer Awareness Month. It is important, especially as very young children can be diagnosed with things such as lung cancer.

    Vice Chair Reese thanked Ms. Folkins-Roberts for being here and asked about the gala that recently occurred as a fundraiser for the Cancer Foundation.

    Ms. Folkins-Roberts noted that the gala was incredible, with a response beyond their wildest dreams, and thanked the community for their support.

    Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve was called to speak. Mayor Schieve thanked Mr. Driscoll for his re-entrance to community service during his appointment with the Board. She mentioned that

    she typically doesn’t make public comments, as she is able to address many of the items brought to her notice. She has received a large amount of concern from businesses such as restaurants to affordable housing projects, who are experiencing a lack of communication, where she felt a need to address this Board. She had planned a meeting with several community members and Dr. Kingsley to come up with an action plan to address some of the concerns, but this will not happen as originally planned. She would like to make sure that the meeting to be held at Reno City Hall on December 5, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. is noted on the record and encourages anyone experiencing concerns to attend and share their comments. She understands process and safety and appreciates the work being done; however, she believes there can be a collaborative approach and wants to stay very focused on this process. Holding up the process holds up jobs and a strong economy, particularly the local housing issues.

    Vice Chair Reese thanked Ms. Schieve for being present and assured her that Dr. Kingsley, the other Board members, and himself take these concerns very seriously.

    With no further public comment requests, Vice Chair Reese closed the public comment period.

  7. Consent Items.

    Matters which the District Board of Health may consider in one motion. Any exceptions to the Consent Agenda must be stated prior to approval.

    1. Approval of Draft Minutes. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) October 21, 2024

    2. Budget Amendments/Interlocal Agreement. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)

      1. Approve the Notice of Subaward from the State of Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health and Behavioral Health in the total amount of $2,189,679.00 (no match) for the period December 1, 2024, through November 30, 2027, in support of the Health District workforce capacity to reduce health disparities and improve health equity in Washoe County; and authorize the District Health Officer to execute the Notice of Subaward and any future amendments. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)

        Staff Representative: Rayona LaVoie & Kristen Palmer

      2. Approve the acceptance of funding in the amount of $50,000.00 from United Healthcare Health Plan of Nevada Medicaid to support the Community and Clinical Health Services Division (CCHS) Immunization Program and the importance of COVID-19 vaccine that will be administered to individuals who are eligible to receive the vaccine despite being uninsured or underinsured; approve amendments totaling an increase of $50,000.00 in both revenue and expense to the FY25 United Healthcare Immunization Program budget, IO 29055.

        Staff Representative: Irene Dominguez

    3. Approve the Professional Services Agreement with Make the Road Nevada in the amount of $100,000 from December 1, 2024, through December 31, 2025, to support Northern Nevada Public Health (NNPH) in carrying out its goal to enhance street food vendor operations and promote public health in our community; and authorize the District Health Officer to execute the agreement and any future amendments. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representative: Robert Fyda

    4. Recommendation to approve the Education Affiliation Agreement between Northern Nevada Public Health and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, School of Public Health for fellows and interns.

      Staff Representative: Dr. Chad Kingsley

    5. Recommendation for the Board to Uphold Cases Settled or Not Contested to the Air Pollution Control Hearing Board. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)

      1. Recommendation for the Board to uphold an uncontested citation issued to KDH Builders, Case No. 1524, Notice of Violation No. AQMV24-0025 with a $500.00 penalty for failing to obtain a Dust Control Permit prior to the commencement of a dust-generating activity. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)

      2. Recommendation for the Board to uphold a settled penalty issued to Renown Regional Medical Center, Case No. 1486, Notice of Violation No. AQMV24-0026, with a

        $40,500.00 total fine, for construction of new emissions units without submitting an application and obtaining an Authority to Construct permit. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)

    6. Acknowledge receipt of the Health Fund Financial Review for October Fiscal Year 2025. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)

    Staff Representative: Jack Zenteno

    Board Member Garcia moved to approve the consent items as shown. Paul Anderson seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously.

  8. Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority.

    A. Recommendation to accept the REMSA Health Monthly Franchise Report for October 2024, which includes REMSA Health Accounts Receivables Summary, Compliance by Zones, Average Response Times, Incident Details Reporting, Summary Penalty Fund Reconciliation, Ground Ambulance Operations Report, Patient Experience Report and Comments, Education Report, and Public Relations Report, and provide possible Board direction. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)

    Presented by: Barry Duplantis

    Mr. Barry Duplantis shared REMSA Health exceeded response times for priority 1 calls in all franchise zones for October and fiscal year to date, with 91% in Zone A and 90% in Zones B, C, and D. During October, REMSA responded to 80,258 priority 1 calls and

    transported 5,295 patients to hospitals, a bit higher than September. The Customer Survey Report for the month of September resulted in a score of 92.53, a significant improvement over the same period in 2023. They continue to serve the community during all types of weather situations.

    The Vice Chair commented that he recently encountered some ambulance drivers at a restaurant and asked them some pointed questions. They responded that they were grateful for the REMSA Health leadership and were very happy.

    Steve Driscoll moved to approve the REMSA Health Monthly Franchise Report for October 2024. Paul Anderson seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously.

  9. Measuring Air Quality in Smoking and Nonsmoking Areas of Nevada Casinos (Reno/Sparks): Potential Exposure of Minors to Secondhand Smoke. Presented by: Dr. Eric Crosbie

    Staff Representative: Lisa Sheretz

    Vice Chair Reese introduced Lisa Sheretz and Dr. Eric Crosbie for the presentation of Measuring Air Quality in Smoking and Nonsmoking Areas of Nevada Casinos.

    Ms. Sheretz introduced Dr. Eric Crosbie, an associate professor in Health Behavioral Policy Administrative Services at UNR.

    Dr. Eric Crosbie thanked everyone for their service on this Board and recognized the work they put into serving. He presented research they did looking at air quality in casinos in Reno and Sparks. NNPH supported this with funding to review youth smoking prevention. With the addition of great restaurants, spas, and arcades in casinos recently, they have become more family-friendly environments. Smoking is still the most preventable cause of disease worldwide, with a large number of deaths due to secondhand smoke. With the new ventilation systems, one would think things are safer, but this is a misconception, with no safe level of secondhand smoke. In gaming and nongaming areas, 14 casinos in Reno and Sparks were visited for about 10 minutes in each location for about one hour, measuring the air quality. The measurements were concerning all areas of all the casinos represented. Even when smokers were not currently present, the levels were high, indicating that the smoke was trapped in the air. The ventilation system would then be getting rid of the smell but not the smoke. There is currently a nationwide momentum for smoke-free casinos.

    Vice Chair Reese thanked Dr. Crosbie for his presentation and asked for questions or comments from the Board.

    Mr. Driscoll asked about the scrubber systems inside the casinos having any outside air joining and contaminating what is being scrubbed.

    Dr. Crosbie responded that, from these studies, this is very minimal; there is potential for some exposure in this area, but it was not enough to cause any of these concerns.

    Board Member Garcia inquired about the percentage of overall casinos represented in the study.

    Dr. Crosbie noted that this study included nearly all of them. There were a few they did not enter, and did not wish to name the casinos that were part of the study.

    Dr. Kingsley wished to share multiple viewpoints regarding this type of study. For example, if the public requests smoke-free casinos, this is being acted upon at that time.

  10. Presentation, discussion, and possible action to affirm the recommendation of the District Health Officer to uphold Fiscal Year 2025 fees for Reno Building Permit – BLD24-00149E. Staff Representative: Robert Fyda

    This item was pulled from the agenda and will be moved to another date.

  11. Staff Reports and Program Updates.

  1. Air Quality Management – October 2024 EPA Small Business Newsletter, Divisional Update, Program Reports, Monitoring and Planning, Permitting and Compliance

    Staff Representative: Francisco Vega

    Francisco Vega highlighted that there were no exceedances of any standards for the month of October. He and his team had the opportunity to attend the October 22 WCSD Trustees meeting, where they approved the MOU for the donation of the battery-powered landscaping equipment that this Board approved. The equipment has begun trickling in, and a press opportunity will be held closer to receiving all equipment. They have started including review projects in the report and are happy to report that 99% of the plan review projects for this year were completed in a timely manner. They sent a press release regarding the Air Quality Hearing Control Board vacancies and are accepting applications through December 5 for the current openings.

    Vice Chair Reese thanked Mr. Vega for his report and his service on the Truckee Meadows Tomorrow Board.

  2. Community and Clinical Health Services – Data & Metrics; Sexual Health (Outreach and Disease Investigation), Immunizations, Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Program, Reproductive and Sexual Health Services, Chronic Disease Injury Prevention Program, Maternal Child and Adolescent Health, Women Infants and Children, and Community Health Workers.

    Staff Representative: Lisa Lottritz

    Lisa Lottritz shared her report with nothing to add. Vice Chair Reese thanked Ms. Lottritz for her report.

  3. Environmental Health Services – Consumer Protection (Food Safety Plan Review & Operations, Commercial Plan Review, Foodborne Illness, Special Events, Permitted Facilities); Environmental Protection (Land Development, Safe Drinking Water, Vector- borne Disease Surveillance, Waste Management / Underground Storage Tanks)

    Staff Representative: Robert Fyda

    Robert Fyda highlighted that vector season has wound down, with a potential last mosquito sampling to occur. They recently tested a squirrel for rabies and plague, which was negative. One additional thing, he highlighted some data on the plan reviews, with a breakdown of the types of projects that are being done. This month, the plan review numbers were above 90% completion, with plans submitted on a two-week turnaround.

    Staff was able to come to a resolution to defer lighting concerns regarding a pool, with a field verification to occur after the build. Staff received three complaints about a food establishment in a 30-day window, and then they did an environmental inspection where they found some issues, failing the facility. The facility was then presented with some training to address the issues.

    Vice Chair Reese thanked Mr. Fyda for all the work he’s been doing to fix issues that come up late. He appreciates the work being done. He reiterated that when situations arise where the mayor wishes to address issues, it is not an attack on the department or personnel but an attempt to work better together and make sure there are sufficient tools, etc., to perform the job.

    Dr. Kingsley thanked Rob and the staff for being responsive through the internal process and externally for working toward solutions. He also thanked Mayor Schieve for coming. The goal is to work toward solutions, and he continued the reinforcement for community partners to attend the meeting on December 5 to present and work toward viable solutions.

  4. Epidemiology and Public Health Preparedness - Epidemiology, Public Health Preparedness, Emergency Medical Services, Vital Statistics

    Staff Representative: Dr. Nancy Diao

    Dr. Nancy Diao noted that flu and RSV began to show some upticks in mid-November but are remaining low overall. ILI activities remain below the baseline. These trends are national as well. The flu sequencing for Washoe County shows flu A H3 sub-lineage, followed by H1N1. COVID cases reported, and hospitalizations remain low and stable. In November, there was an increase in outbreaks declared compared to October, with a majority being gastrointestinal illnesses. An epi-news was published earlier this week, alerting to the first CLAV 1 mpox in the U.S. This was a California resident with recent travels to areas experiencing outbreaks.

    Dr. Kingsley added that the immunization clinics in the community, at all levels, have been very successful this season, with the numbers of ILL infections very low at this time. He reminded people to wash their hands and take precautions to keep everyone safe this holiday season.

    Vice Chair thanked Dr. Diao for her presentation.

  5. District Health Officer Report - Northern Nevada Public Health Communications Update, Accreditation, Quality Improvement, Workforce Development, Community Health Improvement Program, Equity Projects/Collaborations, Community Events, and Public Communications and Outreach

Staff Representative: Dr. Chad Kingsley

Dr. Kingsley noted that based on BOH authority provided to DHO, several CCHS fee changes were authorized and reported in his report. He acknowledged the partners being worked with on the Lakemill Lodge, including HHS, with opportunities to progress and thrive. The district is also moving to new language access, direct translation, and a language line.

10. Board Comment.

Vice Chair Reese noted that the items pulled from today’s agenda will be reviewed later. He also noted that the Chair and Vice Chair selections will be decided at the December 19 meeting at 1:00 p.m., with the groundbreaking for the new TB clinic at 12:00 p.m. that day.

With no further comments from the Board, Vice Chair Reese closed this item.


Vice Chair Reese adjourned the meeting at 1:57 p.m.

Possible Changes to Agenda Order and Timing: Items on the agenda may be taken out of order, combined with other items, withdrawn from the agenda, moved to the agenda of another later meeting; moved to or from the Consent section, or they may be voted on in a block. Items with a specific time designation will not be heard prior to the stated time but may be heard later. Items listed in the Consent section of the agenda are voted on as a block and will not be read or considered separately unless withdrawn from the Consent agenda.

Special Accommodations: The District Board of Health Meetings are accessible to the disabled. Disabled members of the public who require special accommodations or assistance at the meeting are requested to notify Administrative Health Services in writing at Northern Nevada Public Health, 1001 E. 9th Street, Building B, Reno, NV 89512, or by calling 775.328.2416, 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Public Comment: Members of the public may make public comment by submitting an email comment to jlawson@nnph.org before the scheduled meeting, which includes the name of the commenter and the agenda item number for which the comment is submitted. Reasonable efforts will be made to hear all public comment during the meeting. During the “Public Comment” items, emails may be submitted pertaining to any matter either on or off the agenda, to include items to be heard on consent. For the remainder of the agenda, public comment emails will only be heard during items that are not marked FOR POSSIBLE ACTION. All public comment should be addressed to the Board of Health and not an individual member. The Board asks that your comments are expressed in a courteous manner. All public comment is limited to three minutes per person. Unused time may not be reserved by the speaker nor allocated to another speaker.

Response to Public Comment: The Board of Health can deliberate or take action only if a matter has been listed on an agenda properly posted prior to the meeting. During the public comment period, speakers may address matters listed or not listed on the published agenda. The Open Meeting Law does not expressly prohibit responses to public comments by the Board of Health. However, responses from the Board members to unlisted public comment topics could become deliberation on a matter without notice to the public. On the advice of legal counsel and to ensure the public has notice of all matters the Board of Health will consider, Board members may choose not to respond to public comments, except to correct factual inaccuracies, ask for Health District staff action or to ask that a matter be listed on a future agenda. The Board of Health may do this either during the public comment item or during the following item: “Board Comments – District Board of Health Member’s announcements, reports and updates, request for information or topics for future agendas. (No discussion among Board Members will take place on the item)”

Posting of Agenda; Location of Website:

Pursuant to NRS 241.020, Notice of this meeting was posted electronically at the following locations: Northern Nevada Public Health, 1001 E. 9th St., Reno, NV

Reno City Hall, 1 E. 1st St., Reno, NV

Sparks City Hall, 431 Prater Way, Sparks, NV

Washoe County Administration Building, 1001 E. 9th St, Reno, NV Downtown Reno Library, 301 S. Center St., Reno, NV

Northern Nevada Public Health Website https://www.NNPH.org State of Nevada Website: https://notice.nv.gov

How to Get Copies of Agenda and Support Materials: Supporting materials are available to the public at Northern Nevada Public Health located at 1001 E. 9th Street, in Reno, Nevada. Ms. Jackie Lawson, Recording Secretary to the District Board of Health is the person designated by the District Board of Health to respond to requests for supporting materials. Ms. Lawson is located at Northern Nevada Public Health and may be reached by telephone at (775) 328-2415 or by email at jlawson@nnph.org. Supporting materials are also available at the Northern Nevada Public Health Website https://www.nnph.org pursuant to the requirements of NRS 241.020.